Spiritual Gupshup - Bhagavad Gita - Simplified (Hindi Podcast) - श्रीमद भगवद् गीता -सरल रूप में !!

Listen , Learn and Enjoy verses from Bhagavad Gita. We try to present them in a way that is easy to understand and practical to implement. We cover Simplified Bhagavad Gita and share this divine knowledge in its purest form that is in the form of SATSANG! We believe in : "Busy through the body free as a SOUL , Hari Hari Bol " " Transform the world by Transforming yourself " Podcasters- Varun Gupta & Vipul Gupta #BhagavadGita #Gita #Krishna #Hindi

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Sunday Jan 24, 2021

0061 - CH.10 -Opulence's of God -Ver. 39,41&42 / अध्याय 10 : श्रीभगवान् का ऐश्वर्य - श्लोक 39,41 &42
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Saturday Jan 23, 2021

0060 - CH.10 -Opulence's of God -Ver. 20,22&37 / अध्याय 10 : श्रीभगवान् का ऐश्वर्य - श्लोक 20,22&38
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Sunday Jan 17, 2021

Śrī Pañca-tattva mantra
(जय) श्रीकृष्णचैतन्य प्रभु नित्यानंद
श्री अद्वैत गदाधर श्रीवासादि गौर भक्तवृंद
अध्याय 10 : श्रीभगवान् का ऐश्वर्य - श्लोक 14 & 18
BG 10.14: O Krishna, I totally accept everything you have told me as the truth. O Lord, neither gods nor the demons can understand your true personality.
BG 10.18: Tell me again in detail your divine glories and manifestations, O Janardan. I can never tire of hearing your nectar.
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Saturday Jan 16, 2021

चतुर-श्लोकी भगवद-गीता
Chapter 10: Vibhūti Yog
Yog through Appreciating the Infinite Opulences of God
The previous chapter revealed the science of bhakti or loving devotion of God. In this chapter, Shree Krishna desires to increase Arjun’s bhakti by describing His infinite glories and opulence. The verses are not only pleasing to read but also enchanting to hear. He helps Arjun to meditate on God by reflecting upon His magnificence.
Lord Krishna reveals that He is the source of all that exists. It is from His mind, the seven great sages, the four great saints, and the fourteen Manus were born. All the people of this world then descended from them. The various exceptional qualities in humans also arise from Him. Those devotees who know this engage in His devotion with great faith. They derive immense satisfaction by conversing about His glories and also help enlightening others about them. God dwells in the hearts of such devotees whose mind is always united in Him. He then bestows upon them His divine knowledge, through which they can attain God-realization.
Arjun is now fully convinced that Shree Krishna is the Supreme Divine Personality and requests Him to describe further His divine glories, which are like divine nectar. Shree Krishna then discloses that everything that exists is a manifestation of His energies. He is the beginning, middle, and end of all. All beings and things get their splendor from Him. He is the powerhouse of magnificence and the infinite reservoir of knowledge, power, beauty, and glory. Whatever catches our imagination and infuses us with bliss is nothing but a tiny spark of His opulence.
The rest of the chapter describes the personalities, objects, and activities that best display His magnificence. Shree Krishna finally says that the magnitude of His glory cannot be described in words, as within a fraction of His being, He upholds infinite universes. Since God is the source of all the splendor and glory, we must make Him the object of our devotion.
Bhagavad Gita 10.3
Those who know me as unborn and beginningless, and as the Supreme Lord of the universe, they among mortals are free from illusion and released from all evils.
Bhagavad Gita 10.8
I am the origin of all creation. Everything proceeds from me. The wise who know this perfectly worship me with great faith and devotion.
Bhagavad Gita 10.9
With their minds fixed on me and their lives surrendered to me, my devotees remain ever contented in me. They derive great satisfaction and bliss in enlightening one another about me, and conversing about my glories.
Bhagavad Gita 10.10
To those whose minds are always united with me in loving devotion, I give the divine knowledge by which they can attain me.
Bhagavad Gita 10.11
Out of compassion for them, I, who dwell within their hearts, destroy the darkness born of ignorance, with the luminous lamp of knowledge.
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Sunday Jan 10, 2021

Hari Bol in this episode Vipul ji is discussing भोग - अर्थ और महत्व --Bhog - Meaning and Significance
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Saturday Jan 09, 2021

Spirituality has Four Pillars - Satsang ,Sadahna ,Sewa  & Sadachaar
Sadhana has four pillars-  1) Naam Jaap  2) Ekadashi Fasting 3) Bhog 4 ) Aarti 
In this Episode - we will discuss -एकादशी व्रत का महत्व || Significance of Ekadashi Fasting.
Ekadashi fast is a lift for us to go to Golok dham. 
 🌹Ekadashi fast improves our physical health, mental health and spiritual health . 
🌹E.F. Purifies our mind, body and soul big time. This fasting alone lets us move forward  and  helps us progress  on our spiritual journey . 
🌹Fasting on the day of Ekadashi is equivalent of visiting any place of pilgrimage. This brings us immense mental peace and stability in our lives. 
🌹The biggest benefit is ... if we want to get rid of all of our sins and purify our mind , body and soul, then Ekadashi fast is must for us and this fast pleases god and shower us with his blessings. 
🌹🌹Ekadashi fast does not only cleans our soul but also makes our body detoxify , increases our metabolism and discipline our brains as far as eating is concerned.  
🌹🌹 Finally, ultimate salvation, prosperity and increase in our religious faith are few more wonderful benefits of Ekadashi fast. 👉 Hari Hari Bol 🙏  
To get in touch with Golokians, please email us at: info@golokexpress.org
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Sunday Jan 03, 2021

ABCD Model for living a Super Positive Life
🌹Our Kurukshetra is divided into 4 categories:  A B C and D. 
A= Andurni Kurukshetra
B=Basic Family Life  Kurukshetra
C= Career Kurukshetra 
D=Destructive Kurukshetra
🌹Within us, there is a continuous fight between our divine qualities  ( PANDAVAS) and demonic qualities ( KAURVAS). 
🌹Now we need to identify Kaurvas within us which are present in the form of our destructive activities and destructive thinking and  try to transform them into PANDAVAS which are our productive and devotional activities. 
🌹Once we start doing efforts towards the replacement of destructive to devotion... our A , B will start improving. With the  enhancement of A and B, our C will automatically start improving . 
🌹All these changes will help us to identify our D and then we should start working on the improvement of D by doing devotional activities. 
🌹Finally ... our hard work towards the betterment and progression of our A,B,C,D ......will miraculously bring positive energy in our life. 
🌹This positive energy will bring our stress levels down and will further help us in facing and handling challenges of our life. 
🌹Finally with a proper balance in our ABCD , we will live a super positive, peaceful and happy life.
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Saturday Jan 02, 2021

"ॐ जय जगदीश हरे आरती" का सरल अर्थ || 
Meaning of "Om Jai Jagdish Hare Aarti"
In this episode we are going to discuss in detail the meaning of "Om Jai Jagdish Hare Aarti".  
We will also discuss how  in different stanza's of Aarti describes the different stages of devotion.
Let's Understand the meaning of Aarti instead of just singing it .. So that our soul can connect and dissolve with infinite.
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Thursday Dec 31, 2020

Chapter 9: Rāja Vidyā Yog
Yog through the King of Sciences
In the two previous chapters, the Supreme Lord Shree Krishna declared that among all, bhakti is the highest, yet the simplest path of attaining Yog, or union with the Supreme. In this chapter, He reveals His supreme glories that inspire reverence, devotion, and awe. Although Shree Krishna stands in front of Arjun in His personal form, it should not be mistaken to possess human personality.
At the beginning of creation, the Supreme Lord creates innumerable life-forms with His material energy. And at dissolution, He absorbs them back into Himself, and in the next cycle of creation, He manifests them again. Similar to the mighty winds that blow everywhere yet always stay within the sky, all living beings’ dwell within God. However, He remains ever aloof and detached from all these activities as a neutral observer by His divine Yogmaya power.
To resolve the apparent confusion of the Hindu pantheon, Shree Krishna explains that there is only one God, who is the sole object of worship. For all living beings, He is the true friend, the support, refuge, and the final goal. Therefore, those souls who engage in exclusive devotion towards the Supreme Lord go to His abode and remain there. Those influenced by the ritualistic ceremonies described in the Vedas also attain the celestial abodes. However, when their merits are exhausted, they must return to earth.
Saying this, Shree Krishna exalts the superiority of pure bhakti solely directed toward Him. Such a devotee lives in complete union with God’s will, doing everything for Him and offering everything to Him. Their pure devotion helps devotees attain the mystic union with God and releases them from the bondage of Karmas.
Shree Krishna asserts that He is impartial towards all creatures; He neither favors nor rejects anyone. Even if despicable sinners come to His shelter, He accepts them willingly and very quickly makes them pure and virtuous. Shree Krishna then says that He is seated within His devotees and will not let them perish. He preserves what they possess and provides them what they lack. Hence, we should dedicate our mind and body to Him, worship Him, always think of Him, and make Him our supreme goal.
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Sunday Dec 27, 2020

0052- BG Ch 09- Raj Guha Yoga - Most Confidential Knowledge verses 29,30,31 &34!!
BG 9.29: I am equally disposed to all living beings; I am neither inimical nor partial to anyone. But the devotees who worship Me with love reside in Me and I reside in them.
BG 9.30: Even if the vilest sinners worship Me with exclusive devotion, they are to be considered righteous, for they have made the proper resolve.
BG 9.31: Quickly they become virtuous, and attain lasting peace. O son of Kunti, declare it boldly that no devotee of Mine is ever lost.
BG 9.34: Always think of Me, be devoted to Me, worship Me, and offer obeisance to Me. Having dedicated your mind and body to Me, you will certainly come to Me.
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Varun Gupta

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